This sales ideas is aimed at sales and account management people who are unable to work due to COVID-19 furlough measures, and want to be ready when business returns.
Being furloughed is no fun. Not being able to temporarily reach sales targets or look after customers is alien to sales people who seek high sales growth. They are natural achievers and target orientated. Not being able to perform in the usual way is frustrating for them.
Yet, every cloud has a silver lining when you look for it. Most sales people are also optimists by nature.
The UK government is encouraging furloughed people to train or volunteer where possible.
Volunteering benefits those who need help today. Sales Training is an investment for a high sales growth tomorrow.
Stephen Covey, author of ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ describes the 7th habit as Sharpen The Saw.
It is the habit of renewal and continuous improvement. I support sales people learning new skills, knowledge and attitudes now for a better tomorrow. Consider it, there will probably never be a better time.
#furloughed #highsalesgrowth #sales #salestraining #training #sharpenthesaw