Below are 3 practical tips to make getting referrals and recommendations easy.
Over the years a high percentage of my new clients have come to me through referrals and recommendations. These tips work for me. Perhaps they will also help you to make more sales.
But first, here are 15 key reasons why referrals and recommendations are so good. They help you to achieve the following:
- More sales
- Reduce or stop cold calling activity
- Higher conversions
- More commission
- Higher customer retention
- Higher deal values
- Fewer objections
- Less time spent prospecting on the phone
- Less time travelling
- Fewer cancelled appointments
- More time to sell
- More referrals and recommendations
- Being the top sales person month in month out
- High job satisfaction
- Happier customers
So what is it all about?
A referral is an existing customer providing you with a potential new customer’s contact details.
When they also contact that potential new customer stating how good your products and services are, you have achieved a recommendation.
Here are 3 tips to help you when asking for referrals/recommendations.
Tip 1. Ask for a recommendation/referral when the customer trusts you most.
This could be when:
- They have just signed the contract
- The product has arrived and is working to their full satisfaction
- You have just delivered a level of service to them they truly appreciated
- They left positive feedback about your company
Tip 2. Ask for referrals in the most specific way possible and expect to be given names there and then.
A specific question tends to trigger a specific answer. It helps the other person to focus their thinking.
An example below which you might want to adapt to suit your own style:
“We grow our business based on customer satisfaction. May I ask you how satisfied you are with our product?
Other companies can also benefit from our products, but they are simply not aware of it yet and I hope you could help us here.
Who would you know that could be interested in hearing about what we do?”
Make sure you have pen and paper ready in anticipation. Get the names there and then including contact details. Be confident and ask for the recommendation now.
Tip 3. Ask for referrals and recommendations: if you don’t ask, you don’t get!
- People generally like to help. You help customers with great products and services that make their business better. They are delighted and will only be too happy in helping to also help other businesses. There is plenty of opportunity for us all.
Good luck and let me know how you get on. gert.scholts@thebestsalescoach.co.uk
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