Professional sales people use the phone engaging customers to achieve one of the following;
- Make an appointment
- Qualify customers
- Make a presentation and make a sale
- Follow up on a quotation and make a sale
- Develop or retain the customer relationship
Here are 5 simple tips to make calls more successful and make more sales:
Smile when you dial
Our tone of voice transmits a large proportion of the messages we pass to your customers. A smile in your tone of voice will engage customers. Believe it or not, they can hear it. A friendly smile is welcoming and attractive. So look in the mirror, smile and start calling.
Stand and deliver.
Ever wondered why singers prefer to stand up while performing? Less pressure on their diaframe allows for a clearer voice. In sales a clear voice it critical too. Besides that it makes you feel more energised and can motivate the rest of the team. So stand up and deliver that well rehearsed sales pitch.
Have a conversation
People buy from people they like and trust. Give your customers a chance to get to know you and get to know them too. Product features and benefits are important yet a call is an interaction between real people. It is not a digital, scripted one sided story engineered by Marketing gurus. It is the real thing and the main reason why the sales job exists. So get ready and have a chat to ensure a great experience for your customer and yourself.
Be a telemarketer but do not sound like one
Avoid these self destructing call centre line: “This is just a quick call to………..” or “Apologies for contacting you this way but……………..” or “Excellent”after every sentence.
Instead let’s be proud of our company, honoured to be allowed to speak to customers and excited about our products. Customers value sales people who listen and ask smart questions so meet their expectations.
Use your prospect’s name during the call
One effective way to connect to customers is to visualise their words and challenges while calling them. Use their first name once or twice during the call. They will know you are taking a genuine interest in them. So have their name in front of you, write it down and use it during the call.
No matter how new or experienced you are, feel free to contact me about improving your sales techniques. 07738010170 or mail me.
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