No matter whether your selling style is transactional, relationship based or consultative, deals need to be closed as fast as possible.
This sales tip covers 5 proven closing techniques and provides examples how to use them.
Here are they are:
- Pre-close
- Alternative close
- Assumptive close
- Conditional close
- Summary close
1) Pre Close – close sections of the sale during the sales presentation
When presenting features and benefits of your products and service, end each benefit with:
“how does that sound to you?” or
“how would this meet your expectations?” or
“does that make sense with regard to your requirements having a simple solution?”
How it works:
Every time the customer agrees the benefits presented, meeting their needs, they buy a part of the overall solution. Every “yes” gained in this process closes the deal a little further. When you eventually ask for the deal the likelihood of a “yes” is high. This way of closing a deal is very effective, provided you have done a solid needs analysis with the prospect and agreed their priorities with them.
An additional benefit is that you receive immediate valuable feedback on the proposed solution from the customer. You are closing each benefit off with positive re-enforcement by the customer. In effect, the customer sells to him/herself.
2) Alternative Close – offering a choice.
The alternative close works by offering more than one clearly defined alternative to the customer. The number of alternatives should be very few – two or three is often quite adequate. If you offer too many alternatives, the customer will be faced with an even more complex problem of how they choose between the many alternatives offered.
This technique works well in many different situations where you are seeking agreement, and not just selling products.
“Would you prefer the higher display stand or the lower one?”
“Would you like us to start both projects at the same time or has one of them priority?”
“Shall we meet next week or the week after?”
How it works:
The alternative close is a variant on the broader-based assumptive close (below) and works through the assumption principle. You act as if the customer has already decided to buy, and the only question left is which of a limited number of options they should choose.
3) Assumptive Close – acting as if they have made the decision to buy.
Act as if the customer has made their decision to buy already.
Turn the focus of the conversation towards the next level of questions, such as how many they want; when they want it delivered and where.
“When would you want to start the pilot?”
“Will the 20th Oct be early enough for you?”
“Who would be best to speak to regarding office access?”
How it works:
The assumptive close works by the assumption principle, where acting confidently as if something is true makes it difficult for the other person to deny this.
4) Conditional Close – link closure to resolving objections.
When the other person offers an objection, isolate it and make it a condition that resolving their objection will open the route to make the purchase.
“You said you want us to include extra labels. If I can phone up and get this done, would you be happy to agree the deal today?”
“Is the project cost the only issue stopping us to have an agreement? ……. If we find a way to reduce the overall costs by 10%, will you give us the project today?”
How it works:
The conditional close uses the exchange principle to build a social agreement that if I solve your problem, you will buy the product in return.
5) Summary Close – tell them all the things they are going to receive.
Summarise the list of benefits that the other person will receive, telling them the full extent of what they are getting for their money. Make it sound impressive, using full phrases and attractive words. Go into detail, separating out as many sub-items and features as you can but also fit the description into a reasonable space of time. You goal is to impress them with what they are getting, not to bore them with excessive detail.
“So as well as the reduced time frames, the high quality finish, you are getting our comprehensive guarantee and the lower costs we just agreed.”
How it works:
The summary close works by repeating what has already been agreed. Putting it all together makes it seem like an even bigger package.
Enjoy the closing techniques and try them out! Feel free to download my sales training offering
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