The final quarter starts today. Its a great opportunity to reset the dials and push ahead to end 2017 with a bang. And, when done well, 2018 will start with a bang too!
Here are three Sales Management tips to help make it happen in October and beyond….
Provide clear direction
Start the month with clear activity and sales expectations for each team member. You are the leader and the team are looking for your direction.
Motivate the team
Motivate your team by sharing company goals and the difference your company makes for its customers. You are the buzz for your team.
Hold the team accountable
Coach your sales team members once a week based on their activity and sales outcomes. Help them to focus and achieve. It is your job more than any other sales management activity.
These three simple sales management practices will pay off every time, all the time.
If you want to learn more about this or any other aspect of Sales Management, feel free to contact me for a chat on 07738010170 or email me.
Have a great October!