This short article aims to provide direction when deciding on a high sales growth strategy.
I regularly get asked about sales strategies, sales team organisation structures and sales plans.
The questions tend to be:
- What is the best sales strategy for my business?
- How should I organise my sales team?
- What kind of sales people do I need to be successful?
Over the years I have learned that the right answers to these questions lie with customers and their needs.
A sales organisation anticipating, and meeting customer needs, is a successful one.
Here are two practical examples:
Re-purchase customers
These customers buy more than one product from a supplier on a regular basis. In this case the supplier/sales person needs to remain in customers’ mind, create and maintain full confidence, anticipate their needs, and be there when those needs arise. He or she must feel they work in the customer’s company.
- Sales strategy: Total Service
- Sales organisation: Account Management + Customer Support
- Sales people profile: Relationship focus
New customers
These potential customers are someone else’s customer right now. You want to be their supplier/partner instead. Finding new customers succeeds best when you know when incumbent suppliers fail to meet their customer’s expectations or when a potential customer feels it prudent to look for alternative suppliers.
Here we need excellent market intelligence at sales, product company and market level. We also need sales people who are hungry to do new deals, meet new people and love knocking on new doors.
- Sales Strategy: Hunting
- Sales organisation: Hunters + Intelligence, Sales support unit
- Sales people profile : Deal focused
Marketing and IT infrastructure play an increasingly important role in the above too. Customer experience from the first engagement needs to be a joy. Our communications need to be timely and relevant for the customer too.
If we want to know how to best organise your sales effort, let’s look at our customer’s needs for the answers.
I help companies pressing that all important growth button. Feel free to contact me
#salesstrategy #winningsales #hiringasalesteam #highsalesgrowth